DigiCrime is a joke!!!

While this site might seem real at times, it is not. There are certainly people with criminal intent in the world, but I am not among them. Actually, some of us working in the field of information security have noticed many vulnerabilities of information systems that can easily be exploited by a technologically advanced criminal element. We don't advocate doing this, but we often find it both amusing and alarming to ponder the possibilities. DigiCrime was founded to lampoon these corporate values, and has been in operation since 1995.

But seriously...

Our society is currently undergoing a radical change in the way we use information, brought on by a fusion of communication and computation technologies. In particular, we are rapidly changing to an information-based economy and there are huge consequences from the decisions we make in building the infrastructure during the next few years.

DigiCrime is a satirical attempt to point out some of the potential threats we face. Nothing on the DigiCrime page should do any damage to your machine, but it may damage your confidence in your machine. I simply use satire as a vehicle to inform and stimulate thought.

If you are a US resident, you should also ask yourself the question of whether the US government is helping or hurting the security of the country by restricting access to strong encryption. Tools to strengthen Internet security exist, but are currently treated as a munition by US government laws. The justification given for this is to keep strong encryption out of the hands of criminals, but this policy has the unfortunate side effect of rendering the US civilian infrastructure extremely vulnerable to attack.

We make all sorts of tradeoffs in life in order to maintain a level of freedom promised by our constitution. The second amendment to the constitution is a good example. I believe in the statement that when encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption. Therefore I think the choice is clear. Restrictions on encryption should be removed.

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DigiCrime is comically hosted at Southwest Cyberport, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

They are responsible for competent service, but not content. Complaints should go to the Thief Scientist.